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How to CC in Gmail: Our Guide Step-by-Step

If you want to add recipients to your emails without making a mess of your inbox, you can for sure use the CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) sections in Gmail. But many still misuse them, which generally leads to cluttered inboxes or even privacy risks. More details coming!

What is CC in Gmail?

CC stands for Carbon Copy, a feature that allows you to send an email to additional recipients while keeping some transparency. The primary recipient (in the "To" field) will also see that others have been copied in the conversation. Think of it as a way to keep people informed without making them the main focus of the email.

Here is when to use CC in Gmail:

  • Keeping stakeholders in the loop: If you’re sending a project update to a client but want your manager to be aware, add them in CC.
  • Group conversations: Only use CC when multiple people need the same information but don’t need to respond.
  • Avoiding unnecessary replies: Unlike BCC, CC keeps things transparent and prevents confusion about who received the email.

How Is “CC” Different From “To” in Gmail?

Many people confuse the CC field with the "To" field, but they serve different purposes and should be used strategically. Here’s the key difference:

  • "To" field: This is for the primary recipient(s) who are expected to read and take action on the email. If you're addressing someone directly, their email belongs here.
  • "CC" field: This is for recipients who should be aware of the conversation but don’t need to take action or reply. It’s a way to keep people informed without putting them on the spot.

If you wonder when to use each field effectively, here are some tips:

  • Use "To" for direct communication: It means that if you need a response, put the recipient here.
  • Use CC for transparency: If you’re emailing a client and want your manager to stay in the loop, CC them so they can track the conversation without actively participating.
  • Avoid CCing too many people: If your email has 10+ CC’d recipients, chances are most of them don’t need to see it. Keep your audience relevant.
  • Don’t CC when a BCC makes more sense: If privacy is important (like a mass email), BCC is the way to go.

The real question is: are your emails actually reaching inboxes, or are they silently landing in spam? Please, don’t waste time by just guessing, and avoid email deliverability issues by getting real-time insights and fix deliverability issues before they hurt your campaigns.

Test your spam score now with Mailreach!

How to CC in Gmail

Adding a few recipients in CC is simple, but doing it right ensures your email lands in the right inboxes and keeps the conversation clean. Follow these steps to properly CC in Gmail.

Web App

If you’re using Gmail on a desktop, CC’ing recipients is quick and easy:

  1. Open Gmail and click Compose to start a new email,
  2. Locate the "To" field at the top of the email window,
  3. Click CC, which appears right next to it. This will expand the CC field,
  4. Enter the email addresses of those who should be copied on the message,
  5. Add the primary recipient(s) in the "To" field,
  6. Write your email as usual, keeping the message clear and actionable,
  7. Click Send – everyone in both the "To" and "CC" fields will receive the email.

Our tip: Only CC people when necessary, because overloading an email with CCs can unfortunately lead to unnecessary email chains and slow response times.

Android and iOS

  1. Open the Gmail app and tap Compose,
  2. Tap the “To” field—this will expand options for CC and BCC,
  3. Enter the main recipient in To, then tap CC and add the email addresses,
  4. Finish your email and tap Send.

Keep in mind that your emails are only as good as their deliverability. If they land in spam, they’re useless. Mailreach’s Email Warmup tool builds your sender reputation and ensures your emails hit the inbox—where they belong. 

Start warming up your email today!

BCC in Gmail

BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) is similar to CC, but with one key difference: BCC recipients are hidden from others. So when you BCC someone, they receive the email, but the other recipients won’t know they were included.

This is why you can use BCC in Gmail for several reasons, such as:

  • Protecting privacy: Perfect when sending mass emails where recipients shouldn’t see each other’s addresses.
  • Sending newsletters or bulk emails: Keeps email lists confidential.
  • Avoiding unnecessary reply chains: Prevents endless back-and-forth conversations by limiting who can see the email.

How to use BCC in Gmail

On Gmail Web App

  1. Click Compose to start a new email,
  2. Click the BCC button next to the "To" field,
  3. Add email addresses to BCC—these recipients will receive the email but won’t see each other’s addresses,
  4. Add your primary recipient in To (if applicable) and finish your email,
  5. Click Send.

On Android & iOS Gmail App

  1. Tap Compose and expand the To field,
  2. Select BCC and enter the email addresses,
  3. Add the main recipient (if needed), draft your email, and send it.

Don’t let spam filters decide your campaign’s success.

Take back control of your email strategy. Find the gaps, fix the issues, and land where it matters.

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A blacklist alone won’t always tank your deliverability, but it’s worth checking. Scan for issues, run a spam test, and get clear next steps.

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Table of Contents:

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Warmup isn’t optional—
it’s essential.

Without the right warmup, your best campaigns are of no use. You can start by first testing your inbox placement and begin improving it today.

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Email Warmup
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SMTP Gmail Settings

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How to CC in Gmail

How to CC in Gmail

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